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STD Quadro V8

Quadro V8

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Cloned from Quadro V7

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Update time: 2024-12-11 16:57:24
Creation time: 2021-06-14 20:46:20


The aim of the project is the creation of a board that can control up to 8 light bulbs (using the buttons installed at home) and have 8 relays available to control various loads, in general the board consists of; 1)Voltage regulator module via LM1085 2)External Display Connector 3)Display backlight driving circuit 4)Lights management 5Automation Management I2C amplifier circuit Section ESP32 H2O sensor East_I2c PZEM energy meter Buzzer External conn PIR I2C address RtC AHT10 sensor DHT22 sensor Alarm in progress Cycle Led \-\-\-\-\-in detail\-\-\-\-\- Block 1: From connector U5 there is a 12V or 5V power supply (coming from a stabilized power supply) connector H1 will position itself according to the input voltage Block 2: An external display is provided, the ILI9354ddd or the 956as13d and the brightness of this display is controlled by block 3. Block 4: Here are the 8 relays that will drive the house lights, the reference voltage is 220V, for an absorption that does not exceed 50 ~ 70 Watts The CNY1 and CNY2 opto isolators isolate the voltage coming from the contact of the buttons connected between CP1 and CP2 ~ CP5, from the board, then through the output signal from the opto isolators the MCP23017 is piloted which in turn activates the ULN2804A door. which in cascade activates the connected relays. Block 5: Here are the 8 relays that will drive the loads connected to them, the reference voltage is 220V, for an absorption that does not exceed 1,000 Watts The operation is similar to block 4, but in this case the relays will not be activated by the buttons but by code from the ESP32 Block 6: It is a circuit to amplify the I2C signal (which was created to be used over very short distances, in the order of Centimeters) and thus be able to reach greater distances (I have successfully tested it up to 30 meters), this circuit and identical for both the transmitting and the receiving part, therefore this module can be both RX and TX. Block 7: Here the heart of the system, an ESP32 is powered through the 5V on the Vin pin, it also integrates the WiFi the simplest method to program it is with Arduino IDE. Block 8: Connection with the DS18B20 sensor I wrote H2O because I connect it to the hot water production system and activate / deactivate the boiler Block 9: External connection for the I2C bus Block 10: Connection with PZEM-004T sensor Block 11: Connection with an external buzzer, for any use Block 12: Connection with two spare IO pins, for any use: Block 13: Connection to a proximity sensor, for the automatic management of the switching on of a light bulb or other uses, always with presence detection Block 14: Jumper to set the addresses of the two MCP23017 Block 15: Connection with a DS3231 RTC, for storing and managing the time, previously read by an NTP server Block 16: Connection with sensorAHT10 (temperature) Block 17 Connection with sensorDHT22 (temperature and humidity) Block 18: My dedicated use, I take the output of the 12V alarm siren in my home and with that I close the relay contacts and activate an alarm on my mobile phone Block 19: To monitor the activity of the ESP32, connected with an external LED, it flashes according to the cycle speed.
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ID Name Designator Quantity
2 100nF C19,C22,C23,C24,C25,C26,C27,C28,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C11,C17,C18,C1,C2,C3,C13 20 C49678
3 Header-Female-2.54_1x5 H6 1 C50950
4 10K R3,R4,R30,R12 4 C270901
5 4.7K R5,R1,R22 3 C270901
6 4,7K R11 1 C270901
7 12V 5V H1 1 C49257
8 M7-IN4007 D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D17,D18,D19,D20,D21,D22,D23,D24,D25,D1,D13,D15,D16,D14 21 C82443
9 Select Jumper 3x3 J7,J5 2
10 5vL H2 1 C86471
11 power H3,H4 2 C86471
12 5Va CL5 1 C415422
13 10K//470 RN1 1 C49666
14 Conn-Auto CL6,CL10,CL11,CL9 4 C415422
15 Conn-Auto U3,U4,U6,U7 4 C409163
16 SensH2o U8 1 C409163
17 MCP23017-E/SP U9,U10 2 C647352
18 10uf C14 1
19 100uf C16 1
20 330 R2,R14,R13 3 C270901
21 4k7 R8 1 C270901
22 470K ??? R18,R19 2 C270901
23 1k RN2 1 C49666
24 1K RN4 1 C49666
25 CNY74-4H CNY1,CNY2 2 C69558
26 ZMM5V1 D2,D10,D11,D12 4 C8061
27 2n3904 Q3,Q4 2 C18536
28 Rly Allarme RELAY1 1 C28695
29 LM1085T-5.0 U1 1 C444382
30 U12 EXT-ALL 1 C415422
31 led Green LED22,LED9,LED12,LED2,LED8,LED7,LED6,LED5,LED1,LED10,LED11,LED13,LED14,LED15,LED4,LED16,LED3 17 C14641
32 10K RN3 1 C49666
33 6.8K R6,R15 2 C270901
34 1K R7,R9,R10,R16,R17 5 C270901
35 22K R21 1 C270901
37 135pF C10,C9 2 C49678
38 INPUT MCP2 J1 1 C49256
39 P82B715P U16 1 C134037
40 ULN2804A ULN1,ULN2 2 C31415
41 S_DHT22 H8 1 C49257
42 Header-Male-2.54_1x4 H5 1 C124378
43 Connettor AHT10 H7 1 C124378
44 act_sda1 LED50 1 C14641
45 act_scl2 LED51 1 C14641
46 Led Ciclo H12 1 C86471
47 est_I2c H13 1 C86471
48 PIR H9 1 C86471
49 Buzzer H10 1 C86471
50 22nF C15 1
51 10nF C12 1
52 Header-Male-2.54_2x4 P1 1 C58363
53 ESP32 DEVKIT V1 U2 1
55 Conn_Puls CP2,CP4,CP3,CP5 4 C415422
56 Conn-Luci CL2,CL1,CL4,CL3 4 C415422
57 Entrata 12V U5 1 C415422
58 JL128-50802G01 U23 1 C415422
59 Uscita I2C-1 U21 1 C415422
60 BC807 Q20,Q21 2 C549396
61 100nf C20,C21 2 C49678
62 +Pulsanti CP1 1 C415422
63 AC-IN CLIN1 1 C415422
64 Conn_MicroSd J2 1
65 Conn_Display_1 J3 1
66 Conn_Display_2 J4 1


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