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STD How to represent Off-PCB components 03

How to represent Off-PCB components 03

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Update time: 2020-08-04 11:36:33
Creation time: 2020-08-02 23:16:46


This is the fourth in a series of projects to demonstrate the issues around - and by using the **Convert to PCB** and **Add into BoM** attributes - a solution for: 1) clearly representing in a schematic, both the components that are on - or form an intergral part of - a PCB, i.e. those that are On-PCB and the components that do not, i.e. those that are Off-PCB, in order that the function of the circuit represented by that schematic is clear and easy to read; 2) clarifying the component ordering process by using the **Add into BoM** attribute to selectively list both on- and off-PCB components in the BoM so that, if desired, all the components necessary to complete the function of the circuit represented by the schematic can be purchased from a single BoM; 3) using the **Convert to PCB** attribute to ensure that only the components that are on - or form an intergral part of - a PCB are correctly represented on that PCB. In all the series of "How to represent Off-PCB components" examples 01, 02a, 02b, 03 and 04, the circuit and the components are the same. This is a simple circuit which has 4 pin interface connector, a transistor, a capacitor and a fuse holder - containing a fuse - mounted on the PCB. It also has a 3 pin connector or possibly just 3 pads defined by a dummy connector, to connect to a pot that is not mounted on the PCB.
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