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STD Phono preamp with precision RIAA equalisation

Phono preamp with precision RIAA equalisation

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Update time: 2021-04-12 01:40:49
Creation time: 2016-11-02 10:45:51


One channel of a moving magnet phono cartridge preamp with very accurate conformance to the RIAA qualisation curve, based on the design shown in Fig 16 of: http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slyt145/slyt145.pdf but with the addition of R10 and C8 to remove severe HF peaking in V(BUF) at >100kHz due to capacitive loading of U1 by the input of the bandpass filter implemented by U3. Fork the project and then press CTRL+R to run the simulation. Set one and only one of the 'ac' (frequency domain analysis) or 'tran' (time domain analysis) spice directives to have 'text type = spice' in right hand panel. Note that the time domain plot takes some time to settle into steady state due to frequency response of the amplifier.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 OP27_AD U1,U2,U3,U4 DIP08 4
2 SIN(0 100m 1k) AC 1 0 V1 2P-5.0 1
3 {VS} V2,V3 2P-5.0 2
4 47k R11 R0805 1
5 11k R1,R9 R0805 2
6 10k R2 R0805 1
7 100k R3 R0805 1
8 22k R4 R0805 1
9 91k R5 R0805 1
10 220k R7,R6 R0805 2
11 68k R8 R0805 1
12 330n C5 C0805 1
13 22n C2,C3,C4 C0805 3
14 27n C1 C0805 1
15 330p C6 C0805 1
16 470p C7 C0805 1
17 75 R10 R0805 1
18 430p C8 C0805 1


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