Openflexure Motor Stage
STDOpenflexure Motor Stage
:CC-BY-SA 3.0
Motor stage for Openflexure microscope. Based on Raspberry Pico.
Board functions:
- 3 motors controllers
- condenser LED connector (current limit resistor onboard)
- no need to use a USB cable (power and serial from GPIO header)
- connector for grid ilumination (not tested yet)
- powered via Raspberry GPIO header or external 5V
Configuring the Raspberry to work using the GPIO header serial instead of USB:
WARNING! This process will turn off your bluetooth function. Tested on a Raspberry pi 3B+
First login via SSH to your Raspberry
Turn on Serial without console! To do this use:
sudo raspi-config
Find Serial under Interfaceing Options, click select.
Answer NO to the first question.
Answer YES to the second question about serial hardware port.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
at the end of opened file add line:
save file and exit.
sudo systemctl disable hciuart
ready :)
Design Drawing


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