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STD Squeeze Rover

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Update time: 2024-08-10 23:03:39
Creation time: 2024-05-12 12:13:05


Here is my SqueezeLite ESP32 Board that I have created that has built-in I2S DAC with stereo audio.


This project works great with my other project here.


Also visit my wordpress post on this here.


So, this uses the TI PCM5102APWR DAC in with an I2S link via the ESP32 the internal pinout to the DAC is this

Clk=IO27, WordSelect=IO25, Data=IO26, Mute=IO33. You should look at Music Assistant server and SqeezeLite ESP32 this programmable via this page. It should also work with ESPHome if you would like to use that to program the device. On the squeezelite esp32 setup page


  1. Make sure to select Generic/I2S
  2. Press Connect to Device
  3.  Select the CP2102N device. If not sure unplug usb on ESP32 Board and plug it back in and this list should update with the new USB device you plugged in.
  4. Press the connect button.
  5. Now Select Install I2S-4MFLASH-16, See second screen shot
  6. Select Erase Device checkbox
  7. Click the Next Box

It is important for you to keep the page upfront and let it complete as it is loading and takes some time to complete and if in background Chrome can pause the process. This takes about 5 minutes then it writes needed firmware to ESP32. Once done you have to connect via wifi via device and it will showup in your wifi as squeezeliteXXXXX and then the password is squeezelite and this is where you can select your wifi and link it there then in will be available right off your wifi connection. I will add a link to my post to expand this further there but I have not written it yet.


Let me know what you think! Also, any videos may be loud so please turn down before playing!


BTW: This ESP32 via squeezelite does work as a bluetooth device so you can link via bluetooth and not have to use full SqueezeLite Server. Here is how to setup the server if you do want to add Music Assistant and it is capable of linking Spottify playlists and music via Music Assistant. 



Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Supplier
1 3.3uH L1 IND-SMD_L3.4-W3.2 1 MDE0320-3R3M LCSC C2875702
2 SZYY0402Y LED3 LED0402-FD_YELLOW 1 SZYY0402Y LCSC C434450
3 TZ-P2-0402RTIA1-0.45T LED4 LED0402-RD_RED 1 TZ-P2-0402RTIA1-0.45T LCSC C779449
4 1kΩ R10,R11,R3 R0402 3 0402WGF1001TCE LCSC C11702
5 22uF C27 CAP-SMD_L3.5-W2.8-FD 1 T521B226M025ATE100 LCSC C696813
6 100nF C28 C0603 1 CC0603KRX7R9BB104 LCSC C14663
7 100nF C29 C0603 1 C0603C104J3RAC7867 LCSC C599645
8 22uF C30,C31,C32,C33 C0603 4 CL10A226MQ8NRNC LCSC C59461
9 10uF C21,C22,C23,C24,C1,C5,C12,C14 C0603 8 CL10A106KP8NNNC LCSC C19702
10 100nF C25,C26,C2,C3,C6,C10,C11,C13,C15,C18 C0402 10 CL05B104KO5NNNC LCSC C1525
11 10kΩ R22,R18,R9,R14,R16,R12 R0402 6 0402WGF1002TCE LCSC C25744
12 10nF C19,C20 C0402 2 CL05B103KB5NNNC LCSC C15195
13 SS54 D2 SMA_L4.4-W2.8-LS5.4-R-RD 1 SS54 LCSC C22452
14 HDGCPH-PZ01-22 CN1 HDR-TH_22P-P2.54-V-M-1 1 HDGCPH-PZ01-22 LCSC C19190988
15 2.54-1*3P CN2 CONN-TH_C722693 1 2.54-1*3P LCSC C722693
16 4.7uF C4,C7,C9 C0402 3 CL05A475MP5NRNC LCSC C23733
17 470nF C8 C0603 1 CL10B474KA8NNNC LCSC C1623
18 2.2uF C16,C17 C0402 2 CL05A225MQ5NSNC LCSC C12530
19 470Ω R7,R5,R13,R15 R0402 4 0402WGF4700TCE LCSC C25117
20 470Ω R19,R20 R0603 2 0603WAF4700T5E LCSC C23179
22 CP2102N-A02-GQFN24R U2 QFN-24_L4.0-W4.0-P0.50-TL-EP2.6 1 CP2102N-A02-GQFN24R LCSC C969151
23 S8050-MS U3,U4 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 2 S8050-MS LCSC C5120746
24 PCM5102APWR U5 TSSOP-20_L6.5-W4.4-P0.65-LS6.4-BL 1 PCM5102APWR LCSC C107671
25 KMA1117-3.3V U6,U7 SOT-89-3_L4.5-W2.5-P1.50-LS4.2-BR 2 KMA1117-3.3V LCSC C489391
26 EDZVT2R3.3B D3 SOD-523_L1.2-W0.8-LS1.6-RD 1 EDZVT2R3.3B LCSC C209615
27 100Ω R17 R0402 1 0402WGF1000TCE LCSC C25076
28 R6 R0603 1 0603WAF0000T5E LCSC C21189
29 VLMG1500-GS08 LED1,LED2 LED0402-RD_GREEN 2 VLMG1500-GS08 LCSC C511404
30 100kΩ R1,R2 R0603 2 0603WAF1003T5E LCSC C25803
31 5.1Ω R4,R8 R0603 2 0603WAF510KT5E LCSC C25197
32 K2-3.6×6.1_SMD BOOT1,RESET1 KEY-SMD_2P-L6.2-W3.6-LS8.0 2 K2-1107ST-A4SW-06 LCSC C118141
33 USBLC6-2P6 D1 SOT-666-6_L1.6-W1.2-P0.50-LS1.6-BL 1 USBLC6-2P6 LCSC C2827693
35 TPS562201DDCR U8 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 TPS562201DDCR LCSC C90061
36 56kΩ R21 R0603 1 0603WAF5602T5E LCSC C23206


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