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STD Shield for WT588D-16P

Shield for WT588D-16P

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2024-04-26 15:39:28
Creation time: 2017-04-02 17:05:55


For an easier use of the WT588-D module with Arduino, it was decided to create a special Shield, this allows to test the module connected to Arduino or stand-alone mode as there are also K1 to K4 keys. There is also a connector for direct connection of a loudspeaker and a connector for connecting an external amplifier.
For programming the internal memory of the WT588 module, there is a connector for the SPI interface. there is also the possibility of using the module in stand-alone mode as there is a connector for external power supply. Two LEDs indicate the presence of the power supply and the busy function of the module.
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 204-10UYC/S530-A3 BUSY,PWR LED-3MM/2.54 2
2 0.33uF C1 RAD-0.1 1
3 0.1uF C2 RAD-0.1 1
4 1u C3 CAP-D5.0XF2.0 1
5 0,1uF C4 RAD-0.1 1
6 1N4004 D1 DO-41 1
7 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 P1,P4 HDR-2X1/2.54 2
8 Header-Male-2.54_1x3 P2 HDR-3X1/2.54 1
9 Header-Female-2.54_1x4 P3 HDR-4X1/2.54 1
10 Header-Male-2.54_1x7 P5 HDR1X7 1
11 500Ω PR1 RES-ADJ_3362P 1
12 470Ω R1 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
13 330Ω R2 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
14 510 R3 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
15 SWITCH-6x6x5_TH SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4,SW5 SWITCH-6X6X5_TH 5
16 WT588D-16P U1 WT588D-16P 1 cKDVP7pjB
17 Arduino UNO R3 U2 SHIELD UNO R3 1 W5bp3Unjh
18 LP2950-3.3 U3 TO92-INLINE 1


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