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STD KY-033 Hunt sensor module

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-03-24 18:14:23
Creation time: 2019-02-17 07:45:18
The KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module is part of the "37 In 1 Sensor Module Board Set Kit For Arduino" series, which is an IR photoelectric sensor for obstacle detection. Of this type of sensors, they are available in two types: with 3 and 4 pins. The 3-pin version does not have the possibility to be enabled / disabled By placing an obstacle in front of the transmission / reception diode, the output labeled with "out" switches to ground (low active). The sensitivity of the photoelectric relay can be set with the potentiometer. The switching distance to the obstacle can reach approx. 7 cm. In addition, there is an Enable input ("EN") to activate the module (LOW = active, high = inactive). If the "EN" input is on, the module is permanently active, if the jumper is removed, the indicator on the "EN" input will choose the function of the sensor. For further information **[KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module](https://www.adrirobot.it/sensori/37_in_1/KY-032-Obstacle-avoidance-sensor-module.htm "KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module")**
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 10K VR1 RM065-V1 1
2 390 R3 0603 1
3 1k R2 0603 1
4 2k2 R1 0603 1
5 TCRT5000L IR1 TCRT5000L 1
6 LED 1 LED1 LED-0603 1
7 LM393 U1 SOIC-8 1
8 Header-Female-2.54_1x3 P1 HDR-3X1/2.54 1


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