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STD Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev3 shield build template

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-08-22 17:45:32
Creation time: 2016-02-11 13:03:58
Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev3 shield build template Template is drawn on Document layer for easier copy-pasting into existing layout designs. Enable this layer to see the drawing. The template contains the following: - Arduino PCB outline - Location of high components (electrolytic capacitors, USB and power connectors) - All header connectors - All mounting holes **!!! WARNING !!!** There were some errors while importing the original Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev3 layout file to EasyEDA. Therefore the location of the two programming 6-pin header connectors for the two Atmega chips might not be absolutely precise. Check it yourself with your Arduino board by printing it in the correct scale. If there is any error it should be less than 0.5mm probably.
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