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STD DxMini24 (AVR128DB32)

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from MiniDA24 (AVR DA)

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Update time: 2021-02-09 22:35:41
Creation time: 2020-12-22 14:55:56
## DxMini24 Dev board for AVR*DB32 with optional NRF24L01+ SMD module Compatible with * AVR128DB32 * AVR64DB32 * AVR32DB32 (and probably AVR128DD32 in the future) It may also work with AVR*DA32 MCUs, but it's not tested. The board was designed for hand soldering. This is a smaller version (with less pins) of this board: [https://oshwlab\.com/Miraculix200/minimegazero24\_copy\_copy\_copy\_copy](https://oshwlab.com/Miraculix200/minimegazero24_copy_copy_copy_copy) ## Features This is a new generation of AVR MCUs which has builtin OPAMPs, 24MHz CPU speed at 1.8V, 12-bit ADC, increased noise immunity, builtin level shifter (MVIO) and more. The MVIO section is within the rectangle on the silk screen. To use it as a level shifter, remove the 0 Ohm resistor and connect VDDIO2 to a voltage source, e.g. 5V. Then the signals in the MVIO section have 5V. On this board you can enable the I2C function for 2 of the pins within the MVIO section, so you don't need to use a level shifter for 5V I2C modules. Instead of using a 0 Ohm resistor for normal (3.3V) operation, you could also connect the VDDIO2 pin to the 3V3 pin of the board. It is recommended that you add an external 1uF capacitor to the VDDIO2 pin, when powering it seperately. If you leave the 0 Ohm resistor in place, the MVIO section will be fed with 3.3V. **WARNING**: Do not connect a seperate voltage source to VDDIO2 before you have removed the 0 Ohm resistor. Optionally you can solder a NRF24L01+ SMD module to the board. Use GPIO 13 as CE pin and GPIO 7 as CS pin. GPIO 25 is connected to the IRQ pin of the NRF24L01+ module. Example code to measure battery voltage without a voltage divider (using MVIO): [https://gist.github.com/Miraculix200/0cae0e6b91275d1f9045b3df7d822335](https://gist.github.com/Miraculix200/0cae0e6b91275d1f9045b3df7d822335) ## Bootloader To burn the bootloader, start by connecting your USB to serial board to your dev board like this ![Screen Shot 01-19-21 at 12.49 PM.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/juULYw8OMXpB5uR5bu0Oq6GTemGMzo9vG3r33FtI.png)
**WARNING**: Do not power the board with 5V through the 3V3 pin if a NRF24L01+ module is present in the circuit. Otherwise you will damage your NRF24L01+ ### Using Arduino IDE with DxCore Install DxCore using the Board Manager of Arduino IDE, following the instructions here: [https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/Installation.md](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/Installation.md) DxCore now includes pymcuprog, so you can easily burn the bootloader by selecting "**Serial Port + 4.7k Resistor (pyupdi style)**" as programmer, then selecting "**Burn Bootloader**". Now you can directly connect your FTDI board to the FTDI header on the dev board, and flash it through Arduino IDE, like you would flash a Arduino Pro Mini. ### Using pymcuprog by Microchip If you prefer to play around with the various possibilties pymcuprog gives you, you can start by burning the bootloader like this 1. Download the DxCore bootloader: [https://raw\.githubusercontent\.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/master/megaavr/bootloaders/hex/optiboot\_dx128\_ser0\.hex](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/master/megaavr/bootloaders/hex/optiboot_dx128_ser0.hex) 2. Install Python if you don't have it already 3. Install pymcuprog using Pythons `pip install pymcuprog` 4. Connect your serial (e.g. FTDI Basic 3.3V) to UPDI and burn the bootloader like this `pymcuprog -t uart -u COM3 -c 9600 -d avr128db32 write -f optiboot_dx128_ser0.hex` 5\. Set the BOOTSIZE fuse `pymcuprog -t uart -u COM3 -c 9600 -d avr128db32 write -m fuses -o 8 -l 0x01` 6\. Set the SYSCFG/RSTPINCFG fuse `pymcuprog -t uart -u COM3 -c 9600 -d avr128db32 write -m fuses -o 5 -l 0xc8` Note that if you want to overwrite your bootloader with a new bootloader, you need to manually erase the chip like this: pymcuprog -t uart -u COM3 -c 9600 -d avr128db32 erase ## Uploading sketches Install DxCore in your board manager, following the instructions here: [https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/Installation.md](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/Installation.md) ## Sources [https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/megaavr/variants/32pin-standard/pins_arduino.h](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/megaavr/variants/32pin-standard/pins_arduino.h) [https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/AVR128DB32](https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/AVR128DB32) [https://ww1\.microchip\.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/AVR128DB48\_Curiosity\_Nano\_Schematics\.pdf](https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/AVR128DB48_Curiosity_Nano_Schematics.pdf) ## Photos ![R0039482.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/TX2tNDqoCwzVObAUL6j8MDRfJ0oO6MFEjyqKdEZJ.jpeg)![R0039488.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/DcE1ZV7Fbt5ZSicIY6px2dvkawpaVGySy5fElYpf.jpeg)![R0039473.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ojRBOfAokf25RePP3XFqesn0LAxGF1g99Rwvzc1i.jpeg)
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