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STD Micron-741


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Update time: 2022-01-29 20:19:05
Creation time: 2022-01-04 14:36:31

Power Amplifier Micron 741 Schematics found on https://www.elcircuit.com/2020/12/power-amplifier-micron-741-schematic.html Main characteristics: Input resistance: 22 kOhm Input sensitivity: 0.7V Frequency response: 10-24000Hz Output power: 80W at a load of 8 ohms 100W at a load of 4 ohms 150W with a load of 2 ohms when powered (+/- 50V)

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 220n C1 CAP-TH_L11.4-W4.3-P10.00-D0.6 1 LCSC C783694 faratronic(厦门法拉) C212J103J4SF450
2 100uF C2,C3,C4 CAP-TH_BD8.0-P3.50-D0.6-FD 3 LCSC C190655 Changzhou Huawei Elec KM1H101MF115A00CV0
3 2200 C5,C6 CAP-TH_BD18.0-P7.50-D1.2-FD 2 LCSC C1692763 DMEGC(东磁) CD11ZH 63V2200μF
4 20p C7 CAP-TH_L5.5-W3.5-P5.00-D1.2 1 LCSC C2839237 TDK FK26X7R1H105KRE06
5 IN4148 D1,D2 DO-35_BD2.0-L4.2-P8.20-D0.5-RD 2 LCSC C14538 Semtech IN4148
6 15V D3,D4 DO-41_BD2.4-L4.7-P8.70-D0.9-RD 2 LCSC C232465 ON Semicon 1N5919BRLG
7 +V J1 CONN-TH_62409-1 1 LCSC C86495 TE Connectivity 62409-1
8 SP J2 CONN-TH_62409-1 1 LCSC C86495 TE Connectivity 62409-1
9 GND J3,J5 CONN-TH_62409-1 2 LCSC C86495 TE Connectivity 62409-1
10 -V J4 CONN-TH_62409-1 1 LCSC C86495 TE Connectivity 62409-1
11 MJE350 Q1 TO-126_L7.5-W2.5-P2.3-B 1 LCSC C38652 STMicroelectronics BD140
12 MJE340 Q2 TO-126_L7.5-W2.5-P2.3-B 1 LCSC C27866 STMicroelectronics BD139
13 2SA1943 Q3 TO-3PL_L20.0-W5.0-P5.45-L 1 LCSC C480004 SPTECH 2SA1943
14 2SC5200 Q4 TO-3PL_L20.0-W5.0-P5.45-L 1 LCSC C480027 SPTECH 2SC5200
15 330 R1,R3,R7 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 3 LCSC C713965 Huaxing Mechanical-Elec. MF1/4W-20Ω±1%T52
16 22k R2,R6,R14,R15 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 4 LCSC C713965 Huaxing Mechanical-Elec. MF1/4W-20Ω±1%T52
17 4k7 R4,R5 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 2 LCSC C713965 Huaxing Mechanical-Elec. MF1/4W-20Ω±1%T52
18 100 R8,R9 RES-TH_BD2.7-L9.0-P13.00-D0.6 2 LCSC C58722 UniOhm MFR02SF5102A10
19 470 R10,R11,R12,R13 RES-TH_BD2.7-L9.0-P13.00-D0.6 4 LCSC C58722 UniOhm MFR02SF5102A10
20 LM741CN U1 DIP-8_L9.8-W6.6-P2.54-LS7.6-BL 1 LCSC C13974 TI LM741CN
21 INP U2 CONN-TH_DG103-5.0-02P-14-00A 1 LCSC C2682794 DEGSON(高正) DG103-5.0-02P-14-00A(H)


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