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STD DIY JBC 245 Soldering Iron Controller (Beta WIP)

DIY JBC 245 Soldering Iron Controller (Beta WIP)

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2022-01-18 20:26:15
Creation time: 2019-05-03 13:29:05


2020.apr.8 > I got a lot of messages about the project, or the code, but the situation was I put the project on hold for a while, when waiting for parts to arrive, then modified multiple times without documenting etc... the project got finished working well, heat up quickly, but when I have time I will make a fully documented mark 2 version. ![photo_20200408_035725.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/fLojg9RtUJcOHbfMYxLZONVVVMD2ozQysN9CbQd5.jpeg) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # **DIY JBC 245 Controller (not tested yet)** # Wich can be powered with a standart 19V DC laptop charger. The project based on the Atmel328 μc, and i try makes simple as i can. The first problem driving a jbc tip is the thermocouple and the heater have a common pin and its not the GND. On some forum i found the easyest way to do is just siple pass the heater current on the thermocupple but thats shorter the tip's life, so thats not an option for me. ![photo_20190522_173213.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/vFnpGyi5Vf0JeV9a3HP7FJUruHz7jpRZU5wQ8q3V.jpeg) In my solution i planned to use a DC-DC isolator for the μc and an optocoupler to control the P channel mosfet. To makes it work you need a 10k pot and a 1602 I2C LCD (not shown on the schematics) ![photo_20190522_175325.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/XuBlBu0fl4nYeb1dN6sqywWPRQo59qq7tV7Sgx9M.jpeg) As enclosure i design the simplest, one of my friend bethlenke is kind enough to 3D model & 3D printed for me The software still in WIP - modell for 3D printing : [{LINK}](https://arcticfox.cloud/download/DIY_JBC.zip)
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 ATMEGA328P-AU U1 TQFP-32_7X7X08P 1
2 16mhz X1 HC-49SMD 1
3 22pF C1,C2 0805 2
4 1K R1 0805 1
5 B0505S-1WR3 U2 DIP-11.6X6.0X10.16 1
6 Programing P1 HDR-6X1/2.54 1
7 PC817X3NSZ9F U3 DIP-4 1
8 IRF9540 Q1 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
9 10K R2 0805 1
10 330 R3 0805 1
11 MAX6675ISA+T U4 SOIC-8_150MIL 1
12 1uF C3 0805 1
13 POT P2 HDR-3X1/2.54 1
14 LCD P3 HDR-4X1/2.54 1
15 VIN P5 WJ500V-5.08-2P 1
16 Iron P4 WJ500V-5.08-3P 1
17 LM7805EE U5 TO-220 1


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