Rpi 40 pins hat
STDRpi 40 pins hat
:Public Domain
Prototype of raspi hat 40pins.
Programmed in python, exactly python+QT5:
Digital outputs working fine
Digital inputs (buttons) are working fine
Added a 4pins header to connect the i2c Raspberry LCD touchscreen 7"
As I had some issue to drive the ADC ads1115 4 channels 16bits through i2c and I couldn't find the solution on internet, my software skills are my weakpoint , I have moved to the ADC MCP3208 8Channels 12bits.
The hardware (hat for raspberry pi) seems working fine.(see picture in attachement.
Where the program written in python + using GUI Qt is reading the channel AI0 set at around 4V, using a setpdown DC-DC converter.
In attachement the 3 py files (main+timer+gui) need to be together to run the program. (open main using Thonny python for example)
The board is touching a little bit the ethernet connector on the right side, but it is ok, it can be plugged on the 40pins connector, no problem.
(see picture in attachements)
I have written a pyqt5 program where you can display the analog inputs every 500ms.
If you press the button record, by default it will display and record every second or you can adjust the sample time up to 1 record every 3600s.
The data is recorded into the file datalogger.csv file in the rasperry pi into home/pi
If you press the button "stop record" then it will display the value of analog input every 500ms.
If you press the button exit, you will exit the program.
To do next: to improve the program to get a better csv file with all the channels recorded and the title of the columns.
Design Drawing


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