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STD Arduboy (Single-Side version)

Arduboy (Single-Side version)

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Update time: 2022-08-21 21:32:35
Creation time: 2019-05-15 14:35:37


# A single-side version of an Arduboy. # This project is a work-in-progress (WIP) and its diferents versions are going from the original Through-hole components to the most appropriate SMD. The project has been designed to need only one layer. This is useful for CNCs and others home-made development processes. As the project is oriented towards SMD components, some such as the Arduino board and the OLED screen have been replaced by sockets (the usual "Connector Pin Headers" in its "SMD Single Row Female" flavour). This option is perfect for quick replacements while we are in the prototype phase. **Features:** - Cheap Oled SPI screen 128x64px (it can handle anyone from 0.96 to 1.54 inches). - Four 6x6mm buttons for direction pad (SMD). - Two 12x12mm action buttons (SMD). - One button for reset (Tactile Switches SPST, side touch SMD 7.6*3.5*3.5mm). - Physical sound mute by a slide switch (Toggle Switches SMD). - Thumbwheel for control de speaker volume (1K B102). - 3.5mm audio jack for headphones (5 Pin SMT SMD Headphone Jack Socket PJ-327F). - RGB LED - LIR2450 Cell coin battery. - MCP73831 IC for battery charge (USB interface). - A battery module charger based on the well known MCP73831 IC. - An expansion "port" for assembly an external Flash cartridge. The schematics for the Flash Cart can be found here: [Arduboy Flash Cart](https://easyeda.com/EtnasSoft/arduboy-flashcart)
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