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STD Altera MAX EPM7xxx programming board

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-05-01 12:58:27
Creation time: 2020-01-06 11:29:57

A simple JTAG programming/development board for the Altera/Intel MAX (v1) EPM7xxx series. It provides the ability to add an onboard clock or connect to an external clock.


* It was found that R1 should not be connected but pins should be soldered into the holes of R1 but not linked between holes for the chip to be detected properly in Quartus II via the Altera blaster driver.

* C1 and R5 are optional.

* A jumper should be added to J1 if the onboard clock is to be used.

* Add a jumper for J2 if the internal voltage and IO voltages are to be the same.

* The board can be powered via the relevant pins on H9 or H10.

* Please note that the EPM7128S chips tend to get quite hot at 5V over time and this appears to be normal from discussions with other people and my own chips.

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