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STD Low Cost PCB Fabrication


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Update time: 2021-03-26 02:53:48
Creation time: 2017-09-25 02:18:25
PCB prototype is one of the most requested services in the electronics industry. It is important to prototype these circuit boards to perform various tests before going through with a full [PCB fabrication][1] run. We know many PCB prototype suppliers but we don’t know their distinctions and advantages. For an average consumer, finding a **low cost PCB fabrication** in the market can be a bit difficult, considering there are tons of PCB manufacturers out there. To address that issue, we are going to talk about some of the best PCB prototype suppliers that currently available in the market. These board houses can provide PCB prototype and low-volume production.So, without further ado, let’s take a look at all the best low cost PCB fabrication and production manufacturers. **Low Cost pcb Fabrication - Jlcpcb.com** Firstly I want to focus on the up-rising star company [JLCPCB][2]which is the largest PCB prototype enterprise in China and a high-tech manufacturer specializing in quick PCB prototype and small-batch PCB production. They have the best price of PCB prototyping in the world.: [$2][3] ![enter image description here][4] We know that because the competition of the PCB market, PCB material is also in the rising trend.So more and more manufacturers in order to enhance the core competitiveness, often use low price to monopolize the market. However, behind these ultra low cost is , reduce the material cost and production cost, which makes PCB easy to crack, easy to scratch, the precision and other comprehensive factors of non-compliance, will seriously affect the product solderability and reliability, etc. [JLCPCB][5] has a $2 price. There a lot of people want to know the board’s quality. Each buyer likes cheap PCB,while every manufacturer need to make a profit. Thus, we will doubt how the manufacturers can successfully bring us cheap price.If they do,would it be the consequence of sacrificing PCB quality? Here I can truly say JlCPCB provides a good qulity. JLCPB uses FR4 glass-fiber board, high cost but good strength, basically most of the double-sided and multilayer boards used this material, copper can be very precise, relatively the unit board is also heavier. ![enter image description here][6] We can see board from [JLCPCB][7]: Shape without deformation ,line width, line thickness, line distance meet the requirements. All of them are mechanically installed, and the hole position of the circuit board and the deformation error of the line of design is also within the allowable range. ![JLCPCB][8] ![JLCPCB][9] ![JLCPCB][10] **Low Cost pcb Fabrication - www.pcbtrain** PCB Train are UK supplier of printed circuit boards and related PCB products.They are more aimed at the professional prototype market and will only accept data in Gerber (RS274-X) format. The shared PCB concept is slightly different here, in that here you have to catch a ‘train’. Each train is a PCB type, for example 4 layer 1.6mm is a train. Trains depart on different days of the week. Popular trains leave everyday, less popular maybe only once a week. All the delivery times are from when a train leaves not when the order is placed. Offer a wide range of products : 1.6mm FR4 (upto 6 layers ) 0.8mm FR4 ( to 2 layers ) flexible PCB ( to 2 layers ) any shape pcb as standard. ![enter image description here][11] **Low Cost pcb Fabrication - Seeedstudio.com** I discovered SeeedStudio some time ago, since the company is pretty active in the internet . they have PCB manufacturing services, called “SeeedStudio Fusion Services”including printed circuit board fabrication, PCB assembly. The standard, most popular parameters for PCB fits in the lowest price: $9.90 for 10pcs. During the process of placing the order I noticed lot’s of extra parameters, that no other pcb manufacturer provided - more surface finish options, lots of layers configurations (2–16), multiple materials (aluminium, fpc). ![enter image description here][12] **Low Cost pcb Fabrication - oshpark.com** OSH Park is a community printed circuit board (PCB) order that brings you high quality, lead-free boards which are manufactured in the United States. One of the really awesome features of OSHPark is that you can upload your Eagle board directly and don’t have to export Gerbers, even though you can upload Gerbers as well. Once you upload your board they show you nice purple renderings of what your board will look like, including all the layers which you can visually inspect to make sure everything looks like you want. They also provide an Eagle DRU file (design rules) which you can run to make sure your board abides to their specifications. I think I saved many hours with these very helpful features. But sometime it takes several minutes in uploading file. By contrast, [JlCPCB][13] order progress is easier. OSH Park PCB is easily recognized by its purple color. All designs are purple mask with gold-plating. Some Oshpark PCB are free shipment but some Oshpark PCB need varies shipment costs which are based on various express service, shipping time and shipping address. More information about its PCB price and shipment, could be found on PCB order service page and PCB shipping info page ![enter image description here][14] **Low Cost pcb Fabrication - 4pcb.com.** As the 3rd Largest printed circuit board manufacturer in the USA, 4pcb is known on its excellent customer service and reliability. 4pcb has been an early pioneer in offering instant online web quoting, ordering, and status tracking; taking a giant leap forward with the introduction of FreeDFM, a free pre-order file-check service that has become an indispensable tool for engineers to avoid design errors and fabrication delays. With FreeDFM, users may upload their files and, within minutes, will receive a detailed quote along with a graphical report identifying any file design issues. All orders at 4pcb receive a detailed design file review by the company's large CAM engineering staff prior to fabrication, unlike some “no touch” shops. With this value-added service, customers can quickly fix any PCB design issues as soon as possible.On 4PCB, there are two options of PCB specification: Standard and Custom PCBspecification. If you like its PCB prototype service, you could find its four easy ways to order your PCBs. ![enter image description here][15] In general , PCBs from Europe and North America are more expensive than from China. The above-mentioned several pcb companies related **low cost pcb fabrication** are good choice for PCB hobbyists. Especially [JLCPCB][16], it is worth a try. **Related Posts:** **[China PCB Manufacturer -JLCPCB][17]** **[Six Reasons Why JLCPCB is Our Best PCB Fabrication Choice][18]** [1]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [2]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [3]: https://jlcpcb.com/quote [4]: /editor/20170925/59c876eda9c11.jpg [5]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [6]: /editor/20170925/59c86a6b9fa52.png [7]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [8]: /editor/20170925/59c8760b2c375.JPG [9]: /editor/20170925/59c875f925e58.JPG [10]: /editor/20170925/59c8760258841.JPG [11]: /editor/20170925/59c86e2e4e0cd.jpg [12]: /editor/20170925/59c86ef94d1bc.jpg [13]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [14]: /editor/20170925/59c870788b473.png [15]: /editor/20170925/59c87165304f0.jpg [16]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [17]: https://easyeda.com/Daisy/China_PCB_Manufacturer_JLCPCB-8b8a8316171c48da9ec9be39db813af9 [18]: https://easyeda.com/Daisy/Six_Reasons_Why_JLCPCB_is_Our_Best_PCB_Fabrication_Choice-d48120fc417a4b3da4dc550e28f4dbb5
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