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STD Fast PCB Prototypes Companies


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-11-09 09:05:56
Creation time: 2017-10-23 07:43:19
The list is about 10 **fast PCB Prototypes** companies.The list is not completed, but I think all of them are good **fast PCB prototypes** companies. **1.JLCPCB** Here I want to put [JLCPCB][1] on the first. It is the cheapest and **fast PCB prototype** manufacturer I have used in Asian. Because its price and service give me a very good impression: PCBs at a low cost with the highest quality. Just [$2][2] can get 10pcs 2 layer 100×100mm board. Hardly ever experience such a price. Electrical testing is good. This price and quality are excellent. Besides, JLCPCB also supports lot of service, for example, online Gerber Viewer. JLCPCB is the largest PCB prototype enterprise in China. They think of themselves as a quality board fabricator, not just a low-cost. [JLCPCB][3] is not only trying to be cheapest, but to offer the most value. It's definitely worth giving it ago. ![enter image description here][4] **2.Sierra Circuits** Proto Express has a low-cost service; they invented it, after all. They also were the company that introduced low-cost 4-layer boards, an essential technology for an analog guy like every switching power supply designer. Proto Express also offers really high-tech fab capability. They can make extremely fine line and tiny vias, do blind and buried vias, and provide extremely thick copper layers. I have had them make me 12-layer boards back in 2001, and they didn’t bat an eye. ![enter image description here][5] **3.Sunstone Circuits** A highly-regarded PCB fab house is Sunstone Circuits. They offer the PCBExpress fast service, and a free PCB design tool, PCB123. A really neat feature is that if you do use Sunstone that first time, they give you the Gerber files. Don’t take this to mean Sunstone only wants to do prototype work, they will gladly quote large-volume orders too.One nice thing about Sunstone is that you can order the stainless steel solder stencils that you or an assembly house uses to put the solder paste on the pads before placing the parts and IR reflow soldering. ![enter image description here][6] **4.Advanced Circuits** Another PCB fab outfit is Advanced Circuits in Colorado. One really neat thing Advanced Circuits does is also offer FreeDFM, a free online design rule checker where you can send your Gerbers. DFM means design for manufacturing. If your Gerbers violate the design rules that Advanced or any other fab house needs, the tool will flag the errors in your design in a matter of minutes. Advanced Circuits’ FreeDFM tool really made a splash years ago. It had that modern open-source aspect in that you can get an error report no matter who you have make your boards. Advanced Circuits now has locations in Arizona and Minnesota. the Colorado location specializes in quick-turn for low to high volume runs and houses their assembly operations. Their other locations focus on more specialized materials and PCB capabilities. Years ago Advanced Circuits began offering in-house small-quantity quick-turn assembly. They can also send your boards to any other assembly house. ![enter image description here][7] **5.Eurocircuits** Eurocircuits is a Belgian company that has fabrication facilities in Hungary and Germany. It appears to me that most of their business comes from their pooling services since they constantly invest in tools to make the process easier, which ends up reducing cost for us. Their ordering process and browser-based "design checker" is great for catching last minute issues and can save time by not needing to wait for an "exception" report from an engineer. Eurocircuits' pooling pricing is one of the best I can find in the EU and their pricing engine is comprehensive and it's very useful to be able to play around with it in order to find a good cost break point. ![enter image description here][8] **6.Beta Layout (aka PCB-POOL)** A German/Irish company that predominately offers a pooling service. Their ordering system is less robust  than that of Eurocircuits, but you do get a similar result, which is an immediate quotation for your board. Beta LAYOUT has been providing PCB manufacturing services for 25 years. Technologies offered range from Std. to multilayer, including blind, buried & micro via PCBs in addition to Flex & Hybrid materials. Additional PCB-POOLoffering are: 1.New addition ~ 3D MID 2.Direct EAGLE order button (No Gerber extraction required) 3.PDF EAGLE 3D data available 4.embedded RFID technology into a PCB ![enter image description here][9] **7.Express Circuits Group** Express Circuits is a high-end UK manufacturer. Express is not a pooling service, so you're going to see a fairly high tooling cost, and they do have a high minimum order limit. However, you do get quality service and quality boards. For example, soldermask colour is not a factor in pricing, so you can define any RGB colour and they'll mix it! It's a pleasure working with a high-end manufacturer, but it does cost more. ![enter image description here][10] **8.Ragworm** Ragworm is a relatively new pooling service operating in the UK and is a division of the larger Stickleback Manufacturing. They offer a distinct orange soldermask and pretty standard default stackup. They promise to deliver the boards within ten days ,and their pricing is decent if you're making just a few boards. If you're in the UK it's certainly a service to try.What bothered me with Ragworm was receiving the boards with their logo in silkscreen randomly slapped on my board! There's no mention of this on the ordering process, though I'm told that one can ask for their logo not to be added I found their customer service to be quite good and responsive. ![enter image description here][11] **9.AP CIRCUITS** AP Circuits is the service I use when I need boards quickly. If you order in the morning, they’ll often make the boards the next day and ship them Fedex overnight so you get them two days after you ordered them. If you order later in the day, it tends to take an extra day, i.e. order on Monday, get boards on Thursday. On the other hand, you pay for this speed. Their plus service (which includes solder-mask and silk-screen) can cost around $60 to $120 dollars for two boards, depending on their size. Fedex overnight shipping (to North America) adds an extra $25. They also offer a somewhat cheaper basic service without solder-mask or silk-screen. (And you’ll need to pay a bit extra for a second silk-screen layer with their plus service.) You’ll also pay extra for any board shape besides a rectangle or circle. ![enter image description here][12] **10.PCBWay** PCBWay is the last I’ll talk about . It is also a China Shenzhen - based PCB manufacturer . The price is a little expensive than JLCPCB . Its special is that they do anything from 1 layer boards to 14 layer boards. Thicknesses range from 0.4 to 2.4mm, though the ones at the extremes will cost you more. They also provide the PCB assembly service. ![enter image description here][13] How to choose the best **[fast PCB Prototype][14]** company. It depends on what you need and the kind of boards you are making. For 1-6 layers prototype or small-batch PCB production at best price, maybe [JLCPCB][15] is best. For more layers PCB, one-off hobby or test project or a dependable low-cost board , I will choose PCBWAY. For high-tech boards, Sierra Proto Express may be able to do the buried vias you need. Advanced Circuits is great and Sunstone has really made a name for itself by partnering with distributors and assembly houses to get you a working prototype fast. You can get a quote for your prototypes in minutes, but make sure you understand the specs of the boards. **Related Post:** **[1.Low Cost PCB Fabrication][16]** **[2.The Cheapest PCB Prototype - JLCPCB][17]** [1]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [2]: https://jlcpcb.com/quote [3]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [4]: /editor/20171023/59edae779835b.png [5]: /editor/20171023/59edae8ac1c24.png [6]: /editor/20171023/59edb139e2f47.png [7]: /editor/20171023/59edaea857bd2.png [8]: /editor/20171023/59edb1a1a139f.png [9]: /editor/20171023/59eda8d16e0dc.jpg [10]: /editor/20171023/59edaececaa53.jpg [11]: /editor/20171023/59edaed99d069.jpg [12]: /editor/20171023/59edaee4c030a.jpg [13]: /editor/20171023/59edaef0a9225.png [14]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [15]: https://jlcpcb.com/DEA [16]: https://beta.easyeda.com/Daisy/Low_Cost_PCB_Fabrication-70d0fa144554483d868f370a9bcba2f9 [17]: https://beta.easyeda.com/Daisy/The_Cheapest_PCB_Prototype_JLCPCB-352b66b0ac504b7999d22ec98f2a71a2
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