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PRO Programmable Diabolo Light

License: TAPR Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-12-24 23:36:34
Creation time: 2023-10-15 02:21:00

Programmable diabolo lights that fit inside the Sundia LED case. Uses attiny85 microcontroller, RGB leds, and rechargeable 3.7V 150mAh lipo battery. Red LED turns on when charging and turns off when fully charged. I used the TinyCircuits 150mAh battery.


Demo of the lights: https://youtu.be/hJNBwNp8pKE

Library to program the lights: https://github.com/chaosnuggets/diabolo_light

Tutorials on how to buy, program, and install the lights: coming soon


Some scuffed technical specifications (using the TinyCircuits 150mAh battery):
- On battery life: about 1hr 40min at max power (the Sundia lights are about the same)
- Off battery life: about 2 weeks based on calculations (300uA current draw) but I've never tested it
- Charging time: about 1hr 45min
- Weight: 9.8g not including the case (the Sundia boards are 9.5g not including the case)
- Brightness: I don't have an exact number but the max brightness hurts my eyes
- Timing accuracy: The datasheet says plus or minus 10ppm for the 8MHz crystal which is about 0.04s of deviation per hour
- Flash memory (maximum program size): 8kb


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