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STD ELT-1C-E 2021 EastBalk

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from ELT-1C-E 2021

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Update time: 2021-12-01 15:28:47
Creation time: 2021-12-01 15:24:26
Traffic light has a buzzer to inform the pedestrians the clear passage to cross the road with of course the light indicator. Also we add a feature that enhances the brightness of the indicators.
The Q0-Q5 are the transistors. D0-D5 are the adalm signals. Q5 is a transitor for the photo resistor to make a twilight sensor (day/night switch) ·       The specification of sequence that is required had been made using basic programming language (0-1). With that we create 5 outputs, 3 for the cars indicators (red, yellow, green), 2 for the pedestrian indicators (**red1**, **green1**) and 1 for the speaker when the green pedestrian indicator is on it will beep in a certain pattern. To be more accurate since the whole project is short scale of a traffic light, the sequence is quick and demonstrates how it the traffic light works. To specify the pattern furthermore, when the red indicator is activated the **green1** indicator is also activated along with the buzzer that will have a unique independent sequence independent. After certain time, red become inactive along with **green1** and buzzer, giving the turn to the green indicator and **red1. ** When time passed the green light became deactivated and giving the turn to yellow. After that, the loop continues.
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